This chapter comprises of questions and answers on Self-discipline and Meditation. Meditation is a continuous process. Everything should be done with a meditative attitude. Ram and Rama are the combination of two mantrams: the mantram of Narayana and the mantram of Siva. The important letter of the Narayana mantram and the important letter of the Siva mantram are put together to make “Rama.” Na-ra-yana and OM Na-mah Sivaya. So, Rama is the Siva and Vishnu mantram. Sri Ramakrishna used to feel the breathing of Mother Kali. There were many saints who talked to the images on the altar. They were not mere images to them. They had life. Science says that everything has life. There are other mantrams which are called kamya mantrams which are repeated for certain personal supernatural powers, psychic powers. Those mantrams, if not pronounced properly or not repeated with all the observations which are stipulated, might hinder your progress.