This chapter focuses on BOSCARD, a scoping tool which, as used by the Lean Team at the University of St Andrews, is: A consultative approach to securing group agreement on problem definition; and a means of creating structure out of what can be an unstructured discussion. As with Quad of Aims, the facilitator engages with those in the room to record relevant information under appropriate headings. SIPOC focuses on documenting a process by determining the process Suppliers, the Inputs those suppliers provide, the Process by which those inputs are transformed into Outputs, and the Customers of those outputs. The facilitator’s role is to write the comments made under the appropriate heading while testing the validity of those statements by drawing on the expertise of all participants. In practice, a significant amount of information was recorded under Background. The development of BOSCARD, and the unique nature of all organisations, mean there is no one way to use BOSCARD.