Nothing can show better than Gregor Johann Mendel's meteorological studies how accurate and conscientious the man was. Mendel was one of the original members of the Austrian Meteorological Society. Down to the year 1878 he assisted Dr. Olexik, who by this time was advanced in years and broken in health, in his observations, reports of which were sent to the Central Meteorological Institute in Vienna. In the archives of the Brunn Society for the Study of Natural Science, Mendel’s two last manuscript books containing meteorological observations have been preserved. They are large quartos bound in pasteboard, and in them are inscribed the observations extending from October 1878 to the end of December 1883. Meteorological activities, botanical investigations, and personal liking brought Mendel into very close touch with G. von Niessl, geodesist and meteorologist at Brunn Technical School. On October 13, 1870, a considerable part of the town of Brunn, including the Augustinian monastery, was devastated by a tornado.