Empowerment is a major area of discussion in the human resource (HR) arena and in the corporate world. Many HR professionals have tried to explain empowerment. The interest in the basis of our characteristics can be traced back to the early 1800s. Friedrich Miescher was involved in the study of tissue makeup. In 1944, Erwin Chargaff began to study deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and looked at the way traits are carried from one organism to another. However the ratio of adenine to guanine will vary from species to species. In the long run the amount of guanine will be equal to the amount of cytosine and the amount of adenine will be equal to thymine. In 1881 a German biochemist, Albrecht Kossel, discovered the four building blocks of DNA by identifying the four nucleic bases from which DNA functions. These four nucleic bases are named adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine.