This chapter describes the techniques of woodwork and needlework are already in good hands, but because we believe craftsmanship can develop certain valuable parts of the personality which simply acquiring techniques can not, we try to suggest a wider view of these subjects. The adolescent enters into the culture to which he was bom by reading the literature and studying the paintings of his country, so we can save crafts in schools from triviality and eccentricity by an appreciation of the sanity and simplicity. The work of contemporary craftsmen in modelling, carving, needlework and other crafts which can serve as an inspiration to children's. The crafts as making their chief contribution to education, not as a way of acquiring knowledge (though knowledge comes), nor as a perfection of bodily skill (though that is acquired and then made the means to a further end), but as a form of art, the expression of the human spirit on and through its environment.