There is a burgeoning body of literature on veterans treatment courts (VTCs) among researchers and criminal justice professionals, some evidence-based and some anecdotal but insightful. The introductory chapter of this monograph provides an overview of VTCs and why it is a necessary contribution to that literature at this juncture in VTCs’ development. This work places VTCs in context among the problem-solving court (PSC) movement. The aim of this book is to consider these courts in their entirety, beginning with the unlikely convergence of therapeutic jurisprudence and the oft-misunderstood warrior ethos that, collectively, undergird the entire VTC movement. As the research unfolds, the essential elements contributing to VTCs emergence and steadfast stronghold as PSCs are assessed; their current operations and who they serve is explored; and how VTCs and the community as a whole support veteran reintegration is examined.