96 Based on history, physical examination findings, and routine clinical chemistry results for the 9-year-old neutered male Border Collie described in Question 80, you submit a serum fructosamine concentration, plasma insulin assay, and amended insulin:glucose ratio and you order a contrast-enhanced CT angiography of the abdomen. Results of the additional clinical chemistry assessments and representative images are given below (Figure 96.1 and Table 96.1, respectively). https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9780429401725/9d69b4ae-80d1-4f44-9dcb-659cda134065/content/fig96_1_C.jpg"/>

i. How would you interpret the additional clinical pathology and imaging findings?

ii. How would you plan to manage this case medically? What about surgical options?

iii. What prognosis would you give this dog’s owners?162

Analyte Result Ref Range Fructosamine 115 µmol/L 177–314 µmol/L Plasma Insulin 22 µU/mL 8.3–16 µU/mL Amended Insulin:Glucose 56 <50