In the United States, the latter goal was only achieved during and after the Civil War, which caused appalling bloodshed and which Lincoln, in the first part of Joseph Sturge second inaugural address, saw as a fitting punishment for the sin of slavery. With regard to slavery in South and Central America, the campaign lobbied the Pope Paul and others to persuade the governments of France, Spain and Portugal to abolish slavery in their remaining colonies. Jubilee 2000, like the campaign for the abolition of slavery, has a specific goal, but it also looks to a wider future. A further area of development of the Jubilee principle after the year 2000 might be a practical means of correcting the disastrous 'magic of compound interest.' Gordon Brown spoke at the Mauritius Conference of the need to ensure that at least two-thirds of eligible low-income countries will have entered on a process of debt remission by the year 2000.