Europe was the third continent; after Asia and Africa, to which Islam has entered. Islam in Europe is a matter of diversity and necessity. Western Europe started having migrant workers from Muslim countries after WWII to stimulate its economy and cover for shortage of manpower. Muslims in the Balkans were a significant minority for over half a millennium and are expected to remain so for at least the next several centuries. Muslims’ relationship with Christians in the region does impact Muslim-Christian relationship worldwide to the better or to the worst. Muslims controlled Rhodes Island between 653 and 658 during the reign of Caliph Muawiya bnu Abi Sufyan, in their failed attempt to conquer Constantinople. Muslims started trickling back by the end of the nineteenth century from colonies of European region, many of which had majority Muslim population. Nevertheless, the Muslim population remained small and only picked up momentum after WWII, when the region needed more manpower for its economic prosperity.