An imaging production is usually fast-paced with lots of rapid-fire, short liners, call-outs, station call letters, station slogan or Unique Selling Proposition, punchy music cues, catchy sound effects, and processed voice tracks that define a station’s “sound” within its format. An imaging voice talent will be voicing a station’s IDs, promos, sweepers, and liners, and in some cases may even be handling the production. Originally promo and trailer voiceover work were lumped into the same category because of the similarities of style and purpose for the product. Trailer copy usually consists of very short one-liners that are used to tie the story together and are interspersed between sound on tape, or clips from the film. While a promo may be delivered with a range of delivery styles from conversational to intensely dramatic, trailer voice work will generally treat almost every word and phrase as the most important, dramatic, or impactful word or phrase ever spoken.