In ancient Egypt, Euclid of Alexandria was a Greek mathematician, known as the ‘father of geometry’, during the reign of Ptolemy I in the third century bce. Where data is being mismanaged by users who are making copies or re-manipulating the data over and above what it is originally intended to be used for, then that is outside of the scope of the quality professional. Typically data becomes information when it has been analysed and can be used in decision-making. Quality management is dependent upon data, information and knowledge. Whether a quality professional is auditing a procedure or analysing a set of non-conformances through all activities, information is critical to making and conveying decisions. In a similar way to checking data quality, information quality can be assessed using the credibility, accuracy, reasonableness and support checklist. Data quality – create and monitor performance measures for data, based on accuracy, consistency, completeness, integrity and timelines.