The new high-speed railway line Milan-Genoa “Terzo Valico dei Giovi” includes the construction of the “Cravasco” adit, 1.260 m long, and its operational jobsite, which is aimed to serve the main tunnel lines, for a total length of 9.319 m, 4 excavation front faces and 2,5 million tons of tunnel muck. Orographic conditions, geographical position of the final disposal site and available narrow spaces of the operational jobsite (6.000 sqm) carried out an important design of the jobsite in order to overcome this condition. Due to narrow spaces have been designed and successfully realized an underground crushing plant, placed at the ending stretch of the adit within the Cravasco Cavern, and a complex system of 2 km conveyor belts capable of 800 t/h, with a relevant suspendend 260m long flyingbelt anchored to two large bases, which allow to transport and dump muck to the final disposal site.