Graphs and numerical tables are common in science, and frequently comprise a large portion of the Results division in IMRD research articles. While these are also common in the Testing division of IPTC, engineering often uses illustrations in the Process division to show the new design. Use of computers and templates has relaxed standards of what graphics are allowed in journals, but this chapter teaches how to create graphics that are not merely acceptable but will stand out for excellence. Removing extra gridlines and using space effectively can make it far easier to read tables, while removing excess information and attention to labeling can aid understanding of graphs. Furthermore, non-numerical tables should be arranged differently than numerical tables based on how our brain processes verbal and numerical information. In many journals there is a difference between the format for titles of tables and their equivalent for figures (captions in American English or legends in British English). Engineering articles frequently employ graphics that break the rules given in writing books, yet are very effective, so this is also addressed.