While some families the author and team interviewed believe disclosing their sexual and/or gender identity is helpful, others said they always think carefully about if, when, and how to come out at school. This careful thinking resonates with other current research that tells young people living with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) parents make strategic decisions around when and how to talk about their family. However, Lara Atlas, a parent who identifies as lesbian and White, believes coming out at school is important. The first time Lara came out as a lesbian parent was when she had to sign up her son for overnight camp. Fortunately the teachers and principals at Lara's children's elementary school were also supportive, and perhaps it is on the basis of these positive experiences that Lara believes LGBTQ parents can and should come out at school. Some youth who are bullied drop out of school entirely.