This chapter says that the law also stated that all government-funded schools in Ontario were required to establish Gay Straight Alliances (GSAs) and give students the power to name their support groups. It discusses Mary who teaches in a Catholic school where GSA has been established for a number of years. The group is called Dialogue and was started by head of the Religion Department. Mary believes it was the first GSA to be established in any Catholic school in Ontario. The chapter also discusses Lee Iskander's activist work to establish GSAs in Ontario Catholic schools. Like Lee Iskander, Shulamit Izan, a high school student at an independent Jewish school in Boston, also faced religious opposition when she asked her principal, Rabbi Lehmann, to establish a GSA at their school. All kinds of discussions about lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) inclusion, from sanctifying same-sex marriages to ordaining LGBTQ rabbis and priests, are taking place in many religious institutions.