This chapter explores kaleidoscope, proceeding from Pamiat's offspring on the radical right to the different forms under which the "black shirts" transformed themselves to advocate a "white nationalism" more in tune with their Western counterparts. While dying a slow death, Pamiat gave birth to several competing movements: a minority moved toward monarchism and Black Hundreds' celebrations, while the majority championed more openly ideological elements of the fascist repertoire. In the 1990s, the party instituted a new dress code for street actions, inspired by the black shirts of Italian fascists: the Polushkin brothers, famous alternative fashion designers, called it fash-fashion. The Russian skinhead movement resembles the Western model and combines a racial ideology of defending White Power with provocative lifestyles and fashions, as well as violent street actions. The Russian White Power movement remains weak and small compared to its US counterpart. It reached its zenith in the mid-2000s.