The Byzantine Neighbourhood contributes to a new narrative regarding Byzantine cities through the adoption of a neighbourhood perspective. It offers a multi-disciplinary investigation of the spatial and social practices that produced Byzantine concepts of neighbourhood and afforded dynamic interactions between different actors, elite and non-elite. Authors further consider neighbourhoods as political entities, examining how varieties of collectivity formed in Byzantine neighbourhoods translated into political action. By both acknowledging the unique position of Constantinople, and giving serious attention to the varieties of provincial experience, the contributors consider regional factors (social, economic, and political) that formed the ties of local communities to the state and illuminate the mechanisms of empire. Beyond its Byzantine focus, this volume contributes to broader discussions of premodern urbanism by drawing attention to the spatial dimension of social life and highlighting the involvement of multiple agents in city-making.

chapter |22 pages


A neighbourhood perspective on Byzantine cities

part I|47 pages

Defining Byzantine neighbourhoods

part III|106 pages

Byzantine neighbourhoods as political agents

chapter 6|20 pages

The Oxeia

A neighbourhood biography

chapter 7|39 pages

Gortyn, Eleutherna, and their neighbourhoods

The politics of transformation (fourth to early ninth centuries)

chapter 8|31 pages

A tale of two cities

Thebes and Chalcis in a world of change (ninth to fifteenth centuries) 1