Nationally, 3,026,020 hectares (85.10%) of the total 3,555,946 Indonesian rubber belonged to the Indonesian farmers and contributed greatly to the nation‘s economy as much as 2,623,425 million tons (83.20%) of total rubber production (3.153.186 million tons) is for export and produces $ 4,741,489 million. The amount of rubber contribution was not directly proportional to the conditions experienced by rubber farmers. Various studies show that rubber farmers still face problems related to low product quality and productivity, simple technology, and marketing systems. According to the skeptical perspective of globalization, this reality can occur because imperialism against the Third World has not ended, but it has metamorphosed into globalization through its agents by controlling the natural resources that are unfavorable to farmers. Therefore, it is necessary for the role of government through a series of innovative-solutive public policies, one of which is by implementing Bello‘s Deglobalization concept. This study was conducted in Tabir Ilir Sub District which is the largest rubber garden area in Merangin District, Jambi Province, Indonesia. This study uses qualitative research approach and data are collected through interview, observation, and archives and analyzed using qualitative data analysis. The result of the study shows that the income of rubber farmers per month is IDR 2 million due to the low selling value of their products. Therefore, the government needs to play a better role through the application of the concept of Deglobalization with the priority of fulfilling domestic needs. There are many domestic needs that require rubber as raw material, one of which is asphal proved successful in Malaysia and Thailand. In this way, it will increase the number of Indonesian rubber products, previously amounted to 3,153,186 tons, it will be 4,414,460.4 tons consumed domestically with the assumption of a 40 per cent increase after previously only 529,761 tons (18.8%). In this way, Indonesian rubber is no longer dependent on exports whose prices are determined by global markets, but determined by the government which of course will have a positive impact on farmers.