See also the index o f letters, pages 147-154 324 Bealey, John Radcliffe, 15 Nov. 1838 MU 325 Bickerstaff, Robert London, 31 Mar. 1818 Publisher o f Λ new system of chemicalphilosophy MU 326 Barker, E .H . 1788-1839, Classical scholar (D.N.B.) London, 28 Feb. 1838; 20 Mar. 1838 Request for support o f application for post o f Registrar, University o f London. MU 327 C asaseca, J .L . Madrid, 2 Jan. 1831 MU 328 Cuthbertson, John London, 10 May 1814; 12 June 1814 MU 329 D avidson, Jam es Glasgow, 18 Dec. 1832 With copy letters from Barlow to Davidson and Davidson to Davy. MU 329.3 Davy, H u m ph ry London, 1810 Managers o f the Royal Institution hope to discharge their debt to Dalton. ‘My estimation o f phosphorated hydrogen does not accord with yours.’ Myers catalogue, 1977, no. 10. Lot 312 329.5 Davy, H u m ph ry London, 12 Feb. 1818 Asks if Dalton is interested in joining a polar expedition. Text in Thackray 492.5 R I 330 D aw son, Joseph Royds Hall, 20 Jan. 1812

Reference ironstone specimen. MU 330.3 Dickinson, Joseph Maryport, 8 Feb. 1794 Colour blindness. CPL 330.5 Dickinson, Joseph Maryport, n.d. Colour blindness. CPL

331 Em m ett, Anthony 1790-1872, Major-General, R.E. (D.N.B.) Bermuda, 28 July 1838 MU

332 Giles, Francis 1787-1847, C ivil engineer (D.N.B.) London, 17 Feb. 1833; Gloucester, 23 Sept. 1836; London, 27 Nov. — . MU

333 H oward, Luke 1772-1864, Quaker, meteorologist, chemist, apprenticed to Ollive Sims (D.N.B.) — , 16 Jan. 1812; Pontefract,— 1831; Ackworth, 19 Sept. 1833; Tottenham, 1 June 1835; Manchester, 24 Aug. 1835; Ackworth, 24 Mar. 1837; 14 May 1842; 25 Jan. 1844 MU 334 Hunter, J.W . London, 19 Mar. 1838 Request for support o f application for post o f Registrar, University of London. MU 335 Johnstone, C .J. London, 20 June, 1836 MU 336 See Suliot, T .E . 349 .1 337 Lyall, Robert 1790-1831, Botanist and traveller (D.N.B.) Moscow, 8 Oct. 1822 MU

338 M ontgom ery, J. President, Literary and Philosophical Society, Sheffield. Sheffield, 5 Mar. 1824 MU

339 Otley, Jonathan Keswick, report on Derwent Lake, 1830; 28 Nov. 1832; 11 Jan. 1838 Otley was the author of the first good guide to the Lake District and Dalton’s companion on many o f his visits there. MU 340 See Otley, Jonathan 355.5 34 1 Pease, Joseph 1799-1872, Railway projector and first Quaker M.P. (D.N.B.) — Oct. 1838 MU 342 Richardson, Charles 1775-1865, Lexicographer (D.N.B.) Norwood, — Mar. 1838 MU 343 Sharpe, John, F.R .S. London, 15 Nov. 1824; 7 Dec. 1826;— , 1826; 22 Sept. 1827; 9 Sept. 1828; 6 Mar. 1832 Voi. 1 o f A new system of chemicalphilosophy is dedicated to Sharpe; the 1827 letter acknowledges this dedication. MU 344 Sharpe, N . M rs. London, 30 Apr. 1844 MU 345 Sibson, E d m u n d Warrington, 27 June 1828; 31 Oct. 1828; 12 Nov. 1828; 25 Feb. 1829; 23 Apr. 1829 MU 346 Sim s, Ollive Baltimore, 6 Mar. 1828 Reports delivery o f a copy o f A new system of chemicalphilosophy to the American Philosophical Society where it is now in the Society’s rare book room. MU 347 Sladen Charles Manchester, 10 Apr. 1834 MU 348 Spencer, J. Cockermouth, 6 Feb. 1838 MU