Experimenting further with the World3 model, this paper attempts to formulate the operational means to implement the critical recommendations of the “Limits to Growth” study. Using feedback as the organizing principle and the work of Daly (1991) Page (1977) and Saeed (1985) as guidelines, additional policy space was built into the model to accommodate controversial views on resource policy and to self-regulate its critical policy parameters. The policies so created not only appear to lie within the scope of the existing and the potentially feasible regulatory institutions, they are also insensitive to their respective behavioral parameters as well as to the timing of intervention. Furthermore, these policies strive to influence day-by-day actions of the actors in the system instead of imposing a drastic schedule of changes in life-style implicit in the literal interpretation of the broad recommendations of the Limits study. Besides, their implementation appears possible through a national rather than a global order.