The ways in which we tell our stories matter. For clinical psychology within the UK, the journey to clinical training is unclear and confusing for many – with no clear pathway to qualification. The social context for aspiring clinical psychologists then, is not only characterised by uncertainty but can fuel individualistic notions of competition and division. In this chapter we explore the ways of remaining hopeful through messy and unclear structures, and explore commonly held scripts about aspiring psychologists needing to ‘fit the mould’ or to be ‘perfect’, and experiences of self-doubt or feeling like a ‘fraud’. We also facilitate an exploration of alternative stories and the creative means to foster something different for aspiring clinical psychologists using the principles of narrative therapy and community psychology, alongside other tools. This chapter includes guided exercises. For example, we invite readers to explore evolving identities using the conscious-competence model. Included within this chapter is a letter from established psychologists to all aspiring psychologists. We argue that through reconnecting to your values and reasons for wishing to become a clinical psychologist, we can reach out to one another and build a stronger sense of community. This chapter aims to reignite your passion for a clinical psychology that embraces the diversity and richness of your adventures before you arrive in the interview room for that post related to clinical psychology. This chapter looks to recognise the contribution that the personal, professional and political selves bring to clinical psychology as an evolving profession.