This chapter lays out not only the reasons for utilizing platforms but also some ways to transition the business from a conventional operating framework to one based on platforms in general and intelligent engagement platforms in particular. Platforms, per se, are not a new concept in the aviation industry, even though the systems developed and deployed by the industry were not called platforms. In addition to their own systems, airlines have also been using a broad spectrum of platforms developed by different businesses to address their specific business needs. Some of these platforms have been developed by businesses that are related more to travel, such as Expedia. Some are related less to travel – for example, platforms developed by technology companies such as Google, retailers such as Amazon, and social media app developers such as WeChat. However, to meet the total mobility needs of travelers, airlines need more than the use of their own traditional operations-centric platforms and the existing, value-adding but independent and unconnected platforms developed by third parties. What is needed are intelligent engagement platforms that are customer solution-centric and customer experience-centric to enable customers to make informed decisions about their needs and for airlines to make decisions on how to adapt to the needs of customers while growing and generating sustainable profits.