In this chapter, the author presents several lines of thoughts come together to give an idea of the complexity raised by the fundamental revision that took place in Theodoros Terzopoulos’ definition of body and energy. The Europeans had bodies, rhythm, concentration and rituals. The author differentiates between several kinds of bodies that are explicitly discussed in Theodoros' work and that each enrich the other, but for the sake of methodological clarity will be treated separately. He focuses on the twofold division introduced by Drew Leder and its adjustments by Phillip B. Zarrilli and develops into a greater detail the theory of human energy fields as revised by Theodoros. Bioenergetics, both based on the ancient wisdom of so many different cultures and integrating the findings of contemporary neuroscience, stipulate that humans, by all means, are children of the cosmos and that all our organs correspond to energies fluctuating in the cosmos.