Theodoros Terzopoulos gradually extended what first seemed to be situated on a merely physical level to a more complex notion of psychophysicality, roughly translated as an integrated version of a bodymind constellation, indirectly leading to a new ethics and a deepened version of humanism. In developing and presenting a new ecstatic Body, one that clearly has to be differentiated from bodies taken over by mania and trance, or was colonised by political and religious stereotypes, Theodoros made a very important and courageous move. The body is universal, a tree with many roots. Of course, there are cultural differences, differences in metaphysical systems. What a revolutionary act it is to proclaim that it is ‘another awareness of the body’ that determines the whole ‘intercultural question’. At its core stands a longing for genuine solidarity and commitment, an invitation to build a society based upon empathy like Jeremy Rifkin proposed in his epoch making book The Empathic Civilization.