The art immediate analytic reaction to the ragpickers' negative root-digging of the modern analytic tradition would be to point out that the negation of the analytic tradition dogmatically presupposes the truth of the dialectical tradition. In studying philosophy, both Malcolm and Joan quickly find that the making intelligible of their isolated claims through appealing to the philosophical background takes the specific form of referring to the analytic tradition. A recycled Pyrrhonian scepticism with its acceptance of convention is common in contemporary philosophy. The first is to see it as a form of scepticism, that employs the infinite regress of justification. Immanent critique provides us with a way to uncover the "missing" normative dimension of this critique: it interprets Foucault as working within the ethos of Enlightenment tradition, whilst criticizing it from within, and then reworking the Enlightenment. In cruising the dialectical highway, that leads away from the philosophical heritage of logical positivism that still haunts analytic philosophy.