711 All persons conversant with art matters of late have ”been aware that this distinguished artist has for five or six years past been engaged upon a work entitled as above, in executing which he had spared neither time, labour, study, nor expense, in order to put before the world a picture produced exactly in his own ideal—sucli a one indeed as should display those convictions respecting art which he is known to have made the rule of his life, and has followed out, notwithstanding dilfi cui ties and real dangers such as would have utterly defeated most men, or at least modified an ordinary strength of purpose. Conceiving an idea of the great advantages that would result from painting any picture in the very locality where the incident chosen happened, and choosing a Scriptural theme such as this, Mr. Hunt was fortunate in the circumstantial immutability of character and costume which has prevailed to a great extent in the East from the time of the Saviour until now. In the East traditions linger for ages such as in this more mutable West would have vanished long ago. By the light of this irregular history many customs have been elucidated, the comprehension of which is highly essential to the faithful and observant study of a subjcct relating to the life of Christ. That a picture to be duly honoured in execution should be painted on its own ground, so to speak, being the leading conviction of the artist’s mind, there remained nothing for him but to proceed to Jerusalem when he decided upon this subject. Accordingly this was done, and during a stay of more than eighteen months’ Mr. Hunt’S whole attention was devoted to the study of the material he required, to the getting together of accessorial matter, and actual execution of a considorable 712par!, of this picture. The greater portion of four succeeding years has been given to its completion, and the result is now before the world.