Chapter 6 “Quantitative Results” presents new results on European identity of members of ethnic minority groups. The quantitative findings concern the hierarchical order of social identities in generational perspective (6.1), the interplay of GEP identities (ethnic, national and supranational pride, as well as feelings of closeness) (6.2) and the perception of Europe and the European Union (6.3). Each subchapter first provides information on the theoretical background, measurement and hypotheses, and then presents and discusses the results. The quantitative results show that among ethnic minority groups in CEE, young people are more likely to identify with the European Union than adults. Adults, in contrast, are more likely than young people to identify themselves as members of their ethnic minority group. Further comparative research reveals that EU citizens have a less positive image of the EU than non-EU citizens; they see fewer benefits for their ethnic minority group, and they have more fears about the future when thinking of Europe and the European Union.