With so many competing distractions, it’s tempting to go for short-term gains when studying. Some colleges and universities record all lectures and probably this trend will continue. Although, it’s debatable how useful this really is. For students with additional needs, this is vital. The most underused labour-saving study tactic is asking questions. In lectures, it can be scary, but it’s a quick way to get information. Nerves and worrying cause us to imagine all the things that can go wrong. Also, when anxious we might stumble over our words. Preparing for a presentation is not the same as writing an essay. Spoken and written language are different. Our main aim is to get it to sound right, not look right on the page. Otherwise, it will sound unnatural. For academic work, an active reading technique, such as the SQ3R method, can be used. SQ3R stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review.