This chapter describes relationships between male and female co—workers who are psychologically, but not physically, intimate. Psychologically intimate relationships are characterizes by feelings of love and caring, high trust and respect, open communication, and mutual accessibility. The data analyses revealed several types of psychological intimacy with a co—worker. The respondents indicated a variety of behavioral indicators of psychological intimacy. The data suggest that psychological intimacy with a co—worker of the opposite sex provides several benefits for the participants and the organization. In particular, the relationships serve as an important source of job and career support; participants offer useful feedback, information, and help in reaching work goals. When the relationship involves feelings of love, both women and men report that they feel more motivated and satisfied with their jobs. The degree of reciprocity of emotional support and the long—term impacts on men's and women's well—being clearly require further attention. The nature and impact of psychologically intimate relationships also merit future research.