Venezuela is a country completely located within the tropical belt, with a very rich and diversified biota. A synoptical view of Venezuelan biodiversity, including major monographic and revisionary works, is offered. Many specific studies, online checklists, and journalistic reports were considered, but they are cited only when not included in previous revisions or used in the species countings. Venezuelan geography encompasses a wide variety of landscapes with very interesting and old geologic history. Madicolous Ecosystems is the permanent flux of freshwater over rocks and/or rooted vegetation, forming a water-film and not properly a lotic system. Major biodiversity loss and environmental disturbance come from deforestation, indiscriminate hunting and fishing, the plant and pet trade, logging, ranching, and mining, both for local consumption and for exportation. Research is guaranteed on biocultural diversity, both for indigenous and nonindigenous citizens. Ecosystem services, especially water, are currently severely endangered.