Paraguay is a country located in a south-central position within South America, and it limits with Bolivia at the north, Brazil at the east, and Argentina at the western and southern borders. The main types of natural vegetation currently observable in the country: wetlands, cerrado, savannas and forests. The lack of studies in the area, 336,000 hectares are deforested every year due to the fast expansion of mechanized agriculture and extensive livestock farming in the name of progress, with disastrous consequences for biodiversity. Paraguay has been in the middle of several debates among the ecological division of the country with conflictual situations for ecosystems, ecoregions and biomes. From the landscape perspective three of them, Neembucu, Litoral Central and Humid Chaco are very similar habitat and ecotypes, marshes and grasslands, partially flooded during the different seasons with some patchy and sparse low forests and shrubby areas.