One of the most important factors determining the economic and social development levels of countries is education. Today, societies link up with the level of education and the economic development of their countries. Education is the basis of economic development. The purpose of the education is to meet all kinds of demands and needs of both the country and the public. Education, on the one hand, meets these demands and needs while at the same time influence the demographic transition in the country in parallel with the development of the country. The level of development of the country indirectly affects the proportion of the population in that country, the birth and death rates of the baby, the average life expectancy. Individuals change their own lives and living standards in proportion to the education they receive, as well as they contribute the change in the society where they live at the macro level. From this point of view, it is aimed to show how education affects the demographic transition in comparison with the education indicators in Norway which is in the highest human development index, and in Niger which is in the underdeveloped human development index in this section. Starting from this aim, firstly the concepts of education and development, and demographical transition and later the properties of developed and underdeveloped countries are explained. In the study, Norway and Niger are compared and evaluated in terms of sex education, 158schooling rates, adult literacy, education expenditure, fertility, and death and population growth rates.