Vocal training should be based on the mastery of the attacks. Exercises should be introduced by a demonstration of the activities of the vocal chords. Strictly speaking ‘voice’ cannot be obtained of itself, as it necessarily undergoes modification in the cavities in and above the larynx. What should be aimed at is therefore a vocal sound with the least possible articulatory action. Thus the organs of speech should take up the position which they hold when they are at rest, the mouth and pharynx cavities opening slightly by relaxation of the muscles concerned. The highly integrated function thus achieved naturally retains certain properties inherent in eating or breathing, such as ‘relaxedness’ Froschels’ method is therefore of some help in vocal exercises in so far as articulateness plays a minor part. In vibratory massage the vibrating part of the apparatus is put against the region of the larynx; the patient should execute vocal exercises during the massage.