Upon the developmental paradigm, this chapter establishes a basis for the educators to intervene in social and educational difficulties, such as: social rejection, negative class norms, disputing the teachers’ authority, and involving parents in children’s school lives. This intervention by the school system takes into consideration and supports a range of developmental factors: the existence of an independent society of children; the existence and dominance of social norms that sometimes reject the adult morality; the enforcement of social norms through the sanction of social rejection; the existence of a social hierarchy including class rulers; the existence of stereotypes and prejudices. This chapter describes the stages of intervention: diagnosing a class on the axis between social self and childhood self; therapy based on the diagnosis through the principles of Envelopes Therapy; the teachers’ role, ranging from reducing their intervention in the independent existence of the society of children to significant presence, support, and assistance to children who are not mature and find it difficult to belong to the independent society of children.