The conclusion summarizes the overall approach presented in the book, including the psychoanalytical-developmental paradigm (with the analogy of the self core, the membrane, and the social self cytoplasm). It lists the features of this age’s development: gender separation; asexuality; transition from interpersonal friendship to group friendship; creating stereotypes; social hierarchy; social norms; social rejection; transition from instinctive emotional empathy to social empathy; transition from generic morality to social morality; and transition from an infantile psychic position in the function of psychic willfulness (grandiosity, omnipotence, and object control) to a position of the social self with the function of psychic subordination. According to the developmental paradigm presented in this book, individual psychological therapy (Envelopes Therapy) to help socially rejected children was proposed, and suggestions were made for teachers’ interventions based on the individual therapy. Also, an educational approach suitable to latency age children, according to the developmental paradigm, was offered.