Chapter 5 presents the empirical findings regarding subject constructions in intervention discourses and practices through the implementation of UNAMI in the period between 2003 and 2010. The chapter is structured into two main sections: The first section discusses the epistemics of ‘special political missions’ and extrapolates inherent dynamics and risks attached to the instrument. Building on this, Security Council resolution 1483 (2003), which laid out the foundations for UNAMI’s deployment in May 2003, is analyzed in regard to its representational and relational constructions. The second section consists of three subsections that each focus on a different phase of UNAMI’s implementation during the research period. The subsections present, first, the main resolutions that shaped the Security Council’s representations of problem-issues in Iraq and outline how relational and identity constructions were stabilized both discursively and in implementation practices. Within each subsection, this analysis is juxtaposed to that of knowledge production and subject constructions in central projects and programs that shaped parts of UNAMI’s implementation during the respective period. Throughout the chapter, the findings are reconnected to main assumptions and conceptual propositions of the conceptual and empirical framework. The three main phases that are empirically established are that of (i) Identifying political processes in the context of humanitarian aid; (ii) Support to governance in a state of war; and (iii) the move from political transition to development.