The Second Congress of Russian Muslims, held in St. Peterburg, adopted the charter of the Union of Russian Muslims drafted by Ali Mardan bey. It divided the Muslim provinces of the Russian Empire into sixteen districts. The goals and aims of the Union of Russian Muslims were very close to those of the Russian Constitutional Democrats (Kadets). Topchibashov was elected to the First Russian Duma (parliament) from the city of Baku in 1906 and became a leader of the Muslim faction. Unfortunately, the first Russian Duma was dissolved after seventy-two days by order of the tsar. In Vyborg 186 members of the first Russian Duma including Ali Mardan bey, signed a declaration. Former members of the Duma who signed it were imprisoned for three months and lost their right to be elected to the State Duma and other elective offices. Despite all these obstacles, the Third Congress of the Union of Russian Muslims adopted a new program of activities. Ali Mardan bey became a leader who promoted the national rights of Russian Muslims and was persecuted by the imperial government for his political activities.