Little information is available on the life of Topchibashov between 1907 and 1917. But during this period, he set the path for the current history of Muslim peoples and took on the burden of social and political struggle, despite being deprived of his rights. After the Third Congress of the Union of Russian Muslims, Ali Mardan bey arrived in St. Petersburg to carry out his commitments as the chair of the union and take part in legal proceedings in regard to the Vyborg Declaration. He spent three months at Kresty Prison in 1908. Starting in June 1909 he traveled to the Volga River basin, Orenburg, and Muslim districts of Siberia with Kutlug Mahammad Tevkelov. After returning to Baku, he started to work on education reform for madrasahs. At the Fourth Congress of Russian Muslims he defended the rights of the Muslims of Turkestan. World War I brought immense suffering to the Muslim population. Ali Mardan bey supported and defended their rights.