The partnerships and initiatives provided opportunities for biochar operators to increase their visibility with agencies like the EPA. Because biochar characteristics are variable, depending on the feedstock and the processing methods used, the data from a pilot project is limited to source, process, place, and purpose. The second law of thermodynamics is inserted into the context of sustainable agriculture by Bates, who argues that entropy is tirelessly at work to disperse energy and matter, and for this reason, concentrations of virtually anything have been a source of wealth since the dawn of history. A major objective of the International Biochar Initiative (IBI) is to collaborate with other organizations to empower villagers by providing opportunities for development that are environmentally sustainable, particularly those efforts focusing on reducing deforestation while improving soils for local farmers through the use of biochar. There is a gradual but discernable movement toward renewable energy alternatives in developing nations as resource-poor people recognize the benefits of biochar.