Religion is the sphere that deals with the aspects of the infinity of the spirit, and more or less directly with all other forms of infiniteness, too. "Religion in its purest form is a vast work of poetry." This comparison is based on the notion that the sources of religion and poetry originate in the profound noetic layers of personality. Various religions use various methods to cleanse the mind – prayer, meditation, asceticism, hard work, absurd. The unhealthy attitudes to religion may vary from neurotic atheism to contorted religiosity of the psychotic, with numerous subtypes and levels in between. Religious psychopathology predominantly refers to psychological disorders that are "best expressed in religious language". Religious immaturity is perhaps even more susceptible to gradation than its mature counterpart. Religious maturity is not necessarily related to how religious an individual is, but rather to the extent of their psychological maturity, since religiosity is "always conditioned by psychological problems".