Researchers have become more visible in the research product, signifying the rejection of positivistic methodological paradigms which seek to cleanse the data from researcher contamination. In contrast, naturalistic research paradigms, which aim to understand data analysis as a reflexive process where meanings are made rather than found, celebrate the researcher in this process. The naturist club appeared to reflect a system which, in the interests of anaesthetising a perceived relationship between nudity and sexuality, demanded extremely high levels of control over bodily expression. It is interesting that Central Council for British Naturism and its membership clubs insist that naturism is a non-sexual activity, yet they are preoccupied with limiting the number of male members. In contrast to men, women are seen as both instinctual and moral-rational. Indeed, it can be argued that women in naturist clubs are appointed to what S. M. Edwards describes as the role of 'moral gatekeeper'.