This final chapter begins with an examination of the Bahá’í process of “consultation,” with examples of its role in consciousness-raising and activating constructive resilience in communities across the globe. The possibilities of its utilization as a research inquiry method are also explored. As a Bahá’í, the author has been involved for many years co-evolving a Bahá’í approach to integral economics that, in this case, draws upon the experience of constructive community-building in India. The many ways in which the principles of the Faith are concretized around the world provide a wealth of knowledge and experience for co-evolving this work.

The book then concludes by linking together the threads of Bahá’í philosophy, of Lessem and Schieffer’s local-global Integral Worlds, of Adodo’s African Communitalism, and the author’s community-building activities in India. From an Intecritical, ontological perspective, the author evolves an approach to Bahá’í Economics, which combines theological and economic principles of the Bahá’í Faith, Integral Worlds and Reconstructive Communitalism to form a new approach to community economic prosperity, that is, human and planetary well-being. Reflections are then provided on the integral Research-to-Innovation journey, what it has meant and identifies significant areas for further study. The book ends with a tribute to the Uttarakhand communities and a call to action for mutualism to become a lifestyle in the name of creating a resilient world.