The dream seeks to fulfill pleasure and reality principles and falls short. The pleasure principle seeks discharge of tensions, satisfaction of wishes, evasion of frustration. The reality principle seeks frustration modification, problem solving, learning to work with pressures. A psychotic individual's sensitivity might not be able to take group madness. Group morality can be cruel, its judgments murderous. The murderous individuals too, whether mad, psychopathic, or power driven. Notions of narcissism-socialism arise from a common emotional substratum. Concepts emphasize various distributions of whatever binds-separates. The link between sensitivity, rage, and murderousness is crucial. Murder-suicide promises total relief from sensitivity, indignity, injustice. Murder seeks a perfect solution, hallucinates totality. Whether orgasmic and/or calculating, it attempts to correct a troubling state without realization that it itself is part of the troubling state. Shakespeare insists murderers have nightmares. The problem of what to do with ourselves persists in trying to be without ourselves.