Retirement not only affects readers' internal state of mind; it also affects their external relationships. Counselling can sometimes prevent divorce, but preparation for retirement has a far greater role. The legal process of getting divorced is considerably easier than it used to be, although it can still inflict great financial pain as well as emotional hurt. Retirement impacts on relationships in a variety of ways: retirement often places significant stress on relationships, relationships are normally a buffer against stress, challenges to emotional stability may spill over into relationships, goals for retirement may not be shared and communication may go awry. Retirement highlights many important, sensitive and complex relationship dynamics. For each individual there is an issue about separateness and togetherness. Establish new rituals to preserve separateness: hobbies, friends, activities. Being at work engenders some level of separateness but the assumption that togetherness, on retirement, is welcomed by both partners or other family members is not always the case.