This chapter looks at an objective of the proposed Swedish National Strategy for Internationalisation of Higher Education (HE), which reads as follows: ‘All students who earn university degrees have developed their international understanding and intercultural competence’. It aims to analyse the Objective and Strategy from the axiomatic position that internationalisation in HE should be a matter of the education of the individual. Swedish universities like most HE institutions (HEIs) around the world have internationalisation high up on their agenda. HE as part of Sweden’s internationalisation agenda ‘had fallen behind’ according to the Minister of Education, and she decided to take a holistic grip of internationalisation of HE and launched an inquiry into increased internationalisation of HEIs in 2017. The internationalisation efforts of the HE institutions are predicated upon constructive cooperation with the rest of society and efficient coordination between government agencies in order to overcome national and global challenges.