This chapter examines how Sabina Spielrein was able to put a term to her analysis through her writings. Spielrein had met an impasse not just within her analysis, but also in her love relationship with Carl Jung. Through her writings, Sabina Spielrein was able to effect an ending—not a definitive end, but nonetheless an ending: a gerund rather than a noun—to her analysis with Carl Jung. Given Jung’s inability to bear her transference and remain in the place of analyst, Spielrein wrote to S. Freud in 1909 requesting to speak with him, for him to listen to her. Spielrein’s accession to the possibility of separation appears through the means of writing, and specifically through her recourse to poetry. In the diary entry of 28 August 1909, Spielrein gives an indication of the significance of this Wanderer to her. The themes developed in that later theoretical paper are presaged already in Spielrein’s letters to Freud.