Clinical practice is the pursuit of “truth-O”, which confers the scientific status to psychoanalysis, its truth-value. Wilfred Bion’s quasi-mathematical notation to “Origin”, “O” represents an absolute, immaterialized truth, ultimately unreachable; but “intuitable”, usable, albeit transiently and in glimpses. Truth is used just as a furnisher of parts to be used in those disguises; that seem seductive to some onlookers. One may investigate the ever-rationalized rules invented by man to delay or preclude the cognition of Truth made through the action of wishful thinking; slavery to the Principle of Pleasure/Displeasure principle, function as a means to avoid the pursue truth-O. There are more similarities between Naive Idealism and Naive Realism than what meets our eye through our rationalized, vain philosophy: both feel that they “own” the Truth. Apprehension of Truth and Reality are lost; to look for a sense is replaced by the finding of meanings; the “flights from fantasy” referred by Francis Bacon in Novum Organon.