Lacanian topology resides in the ‘necessary’ that is opposed to the ‘contingent’, allowing a clinic to be read from another perspective. Sigmund Freud created an interpretation that untangled the obsessive or hysterical symptoms. Lacan produced an interpretation that is rooted in the castration complex. It is here that a cut, pivotal part of structure, enables the listening of the nonsense that appears in the analysand’s discourse. In Lacan’s first seminar, Freud’s Papers on Technique, people can read his position on psychoanalysis in the commentary that he made about Melanie Klein’s clinical case ‘Dick’. The dimension of language appears in the clinic cutting through the child. A child, regardless of his age, is always spoken by his own history, one that is marked by the ‘Other of History’. A polymorphous perverse child who is going through the phallic stage will disavow the lack of the Other, its castration.