The point people want to border when everyone talk about the infantile and the adult is different to what Sandor Ferenczi suggests regarding these two postures such as infantile language and adult language. De Saussure’s and Jakobson’s linguistics were the immediate reference for J. Lacan in that “return to Sigmund Freud” that started during the fifties. In 1920, in Beyond the Pleasure Principle, Freud describes and interprets a child’s game to explain language’s inscription. Between 1932 and 1952, the Lacanian posture, influenced by Hegel, was directed toward the imaginary, which is where Lacan accounts for paranoia not being biological, but historical. The psychoanalysis puts a special interest on interpretation as something similar to an explanation, like a sort of translation that gives a sexual, Oedipal or perverse polymorphous sense to a pain, a complain or a symptom.