The Godfather was Don Patinkin, undisputed boss of the movement for the rehabilitation of classical economics and an acknowledged master of abstract theory. Out of the “real-balance effect” argument, he managed to fashion an automatic weapon so devastating that it was destined to wreak terrible havoc among his Keynesian opponents and to achieve a Neoclassical Counter-reformation. The logic of his demonstration of the relationship between price flexibility and full employment was irresistible. Within his own family of theorists, Don Patinkin was respected and feared; he was the Godfather — the one who had masterminded the theory behind the neo-classical counter-reformation. The other Chicago gang bosses acknowledged his leadership. Like many other members of the Organisation, he came from a humble background. Bom in Brooklyn, New York, the son of poor immigrants, he was irresistibly drawn to the Chicago Underworld where he was able to put his talent for mathematics to good use working the numbers racket.